Leading Edge: A Platform for Airpower Discussion

One of the most vexing strategic problems facing airmen is how to succinctly articulate their inherent value to national policy and military strategy.  In the battle of narratives and enduring strategic discussions, Airpower’s single most significant capability is still too often understated if not underestimated:  the ability to break from the surface of the earth to furnish a position giving a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view.  Since the genesis of independent air arms, the proper exploitation of the air domain has proven to be a fundamental contribution to strategic victory.  This objective truth is still valid today as it will remain valid tomorrow.

Airpower is a complex tool that needs to be constantly reinterpreted.  Tomorrow’s air forces’ core missions may be unchanged, but in a rapidly changing world, the ways to employ Airpower may be subject to a paradigm shift. This website attempts to clarify the complexity.  Leading Edge is a forum designed to debate and innovate on that most ubiquitous of global mediums.  We invite airmen, soldiers, sailors, marines, media, academics, think tanks, and anyone else to join the debate.  To provide a strategic advantage, commanding perspective, or comprehensive view on airpower, we look forward to your valuable, challenging contributions.

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